Struggle Against Racism、Youth Programs、Reconciliation and Peace、Event Calendar

Struggle Against Racism

Open the Gate for All

 On April 22, this Joint Statement of Churches opposing the proposed revision of Japan’s Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, which would expel refugee applicants, was delivered to the Immigration Services Agency with the endorsement of 50 churches and organisations in Japan, and 8 from abroad. Also delivered were several similar petitions and over 100,000 signatures, urging the government to scrap its proposal and to create a refugee and immigration system that respects the human dignity and rights of foreigners in Japan. Please support this effort with your prayers, and by sharing this document with others.

「Click photo for PDF flyer and download」

Struggle Against Racism List

Youth Programs

反対!永住許可取り消し法案 なかまの声を集めよう緊急集会


政府は 3 月 15 日、技能実習制度を廃止して育成就労制度を創設する法案と合わせて「永住許可取り消し」法案を閣議決定し、国会に上程しました。

この法案は、倒産や失業、大病して、税金や社会保険料を何回 も催促されても支払うことができなかった時/在留カードを常時携帯しないで何回も捕まった時/在留カードの更 新(7年ごと)をつい忘れて入管に行かなかった時/何かのトラブルで、1 年以下の拘禁刑(執行猶予も含む)になった時など――「永住者」という在留資格を取り消す、というものです。




午後7時から8時半 オンライン






「Click photo for PDF flyer and download」

Developing a Spirituality of Reconciliation and Peace

Joint Festival

 Prayer, Dance, Theater, Gospel music, Worship… Bringing together a variety of elements, we will coordinate a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural festival to celebrate the beauty of every person and community.

「Click photo for PDF flyer and download」

Developing a Spirituality of Reconciliation and Peace List